Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Facilities available for Study or Training outside India for servants of Karnataka Govt

Karnataka Civil Service Rules
Facilities available for Study or Training outside India.
1.(a) With a view to enable selected candidates to undergo advanced studies or training and with a view to meet the requirements of technical and other departments for foreign trained personnel, foreign scholarships or fellowships will be granted from the following sources:-
.(i) Damodar Das Scholarships from four-fifths of the annualproceeds of the Damodar Das Charities Fund;
.(ii) Her Highness the Yuvarani Srimathi Kempuchaluvajammanniavaru Foreign Scholarships;
(iii) Out of the Budget grants of the departments concernedand of the industrial concerns like the Mysore Iron and Steel Works, Bhadravathi, etc., under study leave, fellowship and deputation of Government servants to foreign countries.
(b) In addition to the above, offers of scholarships and fellowships made by foreign Governments and foundations under the schemes such as Colombo Plan, Point Four Training Facilities, Indo-German Industrial Co-operation Scheme, United Nations Fellowships and Scholarships, British Council Scholarships and also by the Government of India under the modified Overseas Scholarships Scheme, etc., and certain other schemes operated through non-official channels, such as Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Indian Institute of Public Administration, etc., will also be availed of. In these cases, Government Officials should not approach or negotiate direct with foreign Governments or organisations for scholarships or travel grants.
Note.- Government servants will not be allowed to accept passage money or free transport from a foreign Government or organisation for visits abroad. Relaxation of this rule is permissible only in cases which are covered by specific
1. Substituted by No. FD 68 SRS 60 dated 24-5-1960 (wef 24-3-1960).
2. Deleted by No FD 73 SRS 63 dated 5-12-1963.
agreements or memoranda of understanding entered into by the Government of India with the foreign Government or Organisations.
2. The scholarships or fellowships will be given for study ortraining in any foreign country considered suitable by Government or in cases coming under Rule 1 (b), in the country stipulated in the scholarship scheme sponsored by the concerned organisations.
3. The conditions of grant of facilities mentioned in rule 1,other than Her Highness the Yuvarani Scholarships, will be as in Annexure A and B. The grant of Her Highness the Yuvarani Srimathi Kempuchaluvajammanniavaru Foreign Scholarships will be governed by special orders of Government issued from time to time.
4. In cases where the study or training abroad entails apreliminary training or study in any place in India, the said study or training will form a part of the foreign scholarship and for that period of study or training, rules governing local deputation will be made applicable.
1[5. Candidates for scholarships under any of the above schemes must have put in a service of at least 5 years and should be below 45 years of age (relaxable upto 48 years in exceptional cases, if full justification is furnished). It will however, be open to Government to relax the service limit also in special cases.]
6. 2[Save as provided in sub-rule (1) of rule 1 of Annexure ‘B’] the period of deputation under any of the schemes referred to above will be treated as service counting for pension and promotion but not for leave. The service will also count for earning increments in the post held by them prior to the deputation or in the post to which they had been promoted and which they continue to hold during the period 3[or in the post to which they may receive promotion under Exception below Rule 60 of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, during the period of Study Leave] but they will not be allowed to draw increments during the period of deputation.
1. Substituted by No. FD 68 SRS 61 dated 15-7-1961 (wef 24-3-1960)
2. Inserted by No. FD 57 SRS 66 dated 22-8-1967 (wef 1-4-1966)
3. Inserted by No. FD 52 SRS 63 dated 5-7-1966.
7.(a) The Scholar shall, before leaving the State, enter into a bond stipulating that he accepts the scholarships or fellowship on the conditions specified below. The bond shall be either in the form noted in Annexure ‘C’ or, in case he prefers to furnish a Bank Guarantee, in the form noted in Annexure ‘D’ or in case security is furnished by depositing money in the Government Savings Bank and or in case security is furnished by pledging National Savings Certificates or National Defence Certificates endorsed in favour of the Governor as provided for in Article 355 of K.F.C., in the form noted in Annexure ‘E’.
(i) It shall be the responsibility of the Scholar to execute thebond and to have it executed by his sureties with all the necessary formalities before he leaves the State. Failure to do so will entail that Government will make no payment to the Scholar with consequent inconvenience to the Scholar in a foreign country.
3[(ii) When security of immovable property is furnished the value thereof shall be twice the value of the amount of scholarship and other payments made to the Scholar.]
3[(iii)] The Government officer responsible for the disbursement of any scholarship amount shall not authorise such disbursement or any payment in respect of the scholarship, and, where the scholar is in Government service, not relieve the scholar from his post to proceed on the scholarship, study leave, etc., as the case may be, before he has executed the necessary bond with the necessary sureties.
3[(iv)] 4[The bond in the form noted in Annexure ‘C’ should be registered. The stamp and Registration fees, if payable thereon shall be borne by Government.]
4[v] If there is any failure to follow these instructions and as a consequence Government find themselves in a position where payments have to be made to a scholar abroad, the Government servant who disobeyed the instructions in paras (i) and (iii) above will be liable to have the sums so advanced recovered from him.
1. Inserted by No. FD 49 SRS 62 dated 8-2-1963.
2. Inserted by No. FD 25 SRS 66 dated 27-8-1966 (wef 8-9-1966).
3. Amended by No. FD 103 SRS 61 dated 29-8-1961.
4. Substituted by No. FD 142 SRS 61 dated 24-1-1962 (wef 20-9-1961).
(b) A slight modification of sub-clause (a) above, may bemade in the case of Government servants belonging to Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. Where they are unable to furnish security bonds as prescribed above, personal bond may be obtained from such scholars with two sureties who are permanent gazetted officers in the State service. The form of the bond will be as in Annexure C, with the omission of clause 12 and Schedules 1 and Ill therein. Sub-clauses (i) to (iv) of Clause (a) will hold good in such cases also.
1[(bb)Where the Scholar mortgages his own properties, collateral security of any two persons whose solvency is certified by an Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Tahsildar shall be furnished. In such a case the sureties shall be personally liable for their obligations under the Bond entered into in the form noted in Annexure ‘C’.]
2[7-A. Deputation of Government Servants abroad for training shall be placed in three categories for the purpose of obtaining bonds, which should be regulated as indicated below
Type of Training Period of Bond
1.Training related to specific 3 years if the period of projects or schemes and where training is six months or the individuals are either less and 4 years if the period working in the project/scheme of training is over six or earmarked for the same. months
2.Training not related to any 2 years if the period of training project or scheme such as is over six months the various training courses (No bond if training is for in Harvard, Administrative six months or less) Staff College, Hanle-on Themes, etc., which do not lead to the award of a recognised diploma or degree or certificate which has a market value.
3. All other types of training.4 years.
The relevant condition in the bonds shall be modified as above depending upon the period of training
1. Inserted by No. FD 9 SRS 65 dated 27-4-1965.
2. Inserted by No. FD 132 SRS 69 dt. 12-11-1969 (wef 24-9-1969).
8(a) On the completion of study or training the scholar shall report himself to duty to the Head of the Department concerned and on receipt of his orders he shall join duty immediately. The fact that a person has secured higher qualification by having gone abroad should not in itself be a reason for superseding his seniors in service or for better grades of pay and allowances. Nor should supernumerary posts be created carrying a higher rate of salary to absorb such foreign trained persons. If need be Government may sanction suitable allowances to such persons after considering the merits in each case.
(b) At least a month before the scheduled date of arrival inthe State, the scholar will give intimation regarding his arrival and the date thereof to the Chief Secretary to Government and the Head of the Department. The Head of the Department should take action well in time to provide a posting to the officer and compulsory waiting by officers returning from abroad for want of posting orders should be avoided.
(c) The Heads of Departments should send intimation tothe Audit Office about the date of arrival of the Government servant from abroad, the date on which he resumes his duties, as also the date from which the recovery of equipment advance should commence.
2[8-A. (1) If a Government servant resigns or retires from service without returning to duty after a period of study leave or within a period of 3[four years] after such return to duty, he shall be required to refund 3[the actual amounts] of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling allowance and other expenses if any, incurred by the Government or drawn by him for the period of study leave together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans before his resignation is accepted or permission to retire is granted:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to a Government servant who on return to duty from study leave is permitted to retire from service on medical grounds:
1. Deleted by No. FD 16 SRS 85 dated 18-6-1985 (wef 18-6-1985).
2. Inserted by No. FD 71 SRS 66 dated 18-9-1967.
3. Substituted by No. FD 31 SRS 72 dated 13-8-1976 (wef 26-8-1976)
Provided further that the amount required to be refunded under this rule shall, in the case of a Government servant who on return to duty from study leave is permitted to resign from service and to take up employment under any statutory or autonomous body or in any institution under the control of the Government, be reduced to an amount equal to the expenditure incurred by Government in respect of the leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling allowance and other expenses, if any, incurred by the Government or drawn by him for the period of study leave together with interest thereon.
(2) In addition to the amount to be refunded under sub-rule
(1) he shall also be required to refund leave salary drawn by him forthe period of study leave reduced by regular leave at his credit on the date on which study leave commenced after deducting the regular leave taken by him in continuation of study leave.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule,Government may, if it is necessary or expedient so to do, either in public interest or having regard to the peculiar circumstances waive or reduce the amount required to be refunded under sub-rule (1) by any Government servant or class of Government Servants.
1[9. The scholar will submit to Government annual progress reports and also a final report of training of studies through the Head of the Institution in the form prescribed in Annexure ‘F’. Government will forward these reports to the Head of the Department concerned for scrutiny and such action as may be necessary.]
10. Government servants, who go abroad for higher studiesat their own cost whose candidature is not sponsored by Government for grant of scholarships and fellowships under foreign aid schemes coming under Rule 1 (b) shall be granted leave at their credit and the remaining period of absence be treated as leave without allowance 2[subject to a maximum
1. Substituted by No. FD 24 SRS 64 dated 13-9-1965.
2. Inserted by No. FD 52 SRS 63 dated 5-7-1966.
period of two years on the whole in the case of post-graduate and other training courses and three years on the whole in the case of Ph.D., such period of absence counting for earning increments, pension and promotion provided the candidate is successful in all his examinations within that period] 1[and also subject to the provisions of Rule 244-A.]
2[Provided that such Government Servant shall satisfy the requirements of rule 5.]
1. Inserted by No. FD 161 SRS 69 dated 22-6-1970 (wef 2-7-1970).
2. Substituted by No. FD 90 SRS 67 dated 19-2-1968.
Study leave benefits and Damodar Das Scholarships
1. If the candidate is not entitled to leave for the full periodof his study, whatever leave he is entitled to, may be sanctioned and the balance may be treated as special study leave on half pay.
Note.- No Commuted leave will be sanctioned to candidates who have been granted study leave benefits or Damodar Das Scholarships.
1[2. (a) The grant of study leave should be made with due regard to the exigencies of the public service. In no case should the grant of this leave, in combination with leave other than extraordinary leave or leave on medical certificate, involve an absence of over twenty-four months from a Government servant’s regular duties or exceed two years in the whole period of a Government Servant’s service where such leave is granted for purposes of postgraduate or other studies and thirty six months or three years in the case of Ph.D., provided the candidate is successful in all his examinations within that period. The limit of absence of twenty-four months or thirty-six months, as the case may be, includes periods of vacations, if any, with which the study leave and other leave may be combined. A period of 12 months at one time should ordinarily be regarded as a suitable maximum and should not be exceeded save for exceptional reasons.
Note.- Extraordinary leave may be taken in conjunction with study leave without regard to the maximum limit of 24 months or thirty-six months mentioned above.]
(b) In calculating the continuous period of absence fromduty the travel time from India to the country of training and back will be included.
(c) The special leave will not be debited to the leave accountof the Government servant.
3. A Government servant whose study leave iscombined with any other kind of leave admissible should be required to regulate his period of study leave so as to retain at
1. Substituted by No. FD 52 SRS 63 dated 5-7-1966. its conclusion a balance of leave, at credit sufficient to cover the period spent in returning to duty.
4. When a Government servant has been granted a definiteperiod of study leave and finds subsequently that his course of study will fall short of the sanctioned period to any considerable extent, his leave period in the absence of express orders of Government to the contrary, will be considered as reduced correspondingly.
5. A Government servant may be allowed to draw StudyAllowance for the entire period of vacation during the course of study subject to the condition that- (i) he attends during vacation any special course of study or practical training, if so required, by Government or other competent authority and (ii) in the absence of any such direction produces satisfactory evidence before the High Commissioner for India in the United Kingdom or in the case of Government servants on study leave in America, the Ambassador for India in Washington or in the case of Government servant on study leave in any other country, the head of the Indian Mission in that country, that he has continued his studies during the vacation. No study allowances may, however, be drawn during the vacation falling at the end of a course of study except for a maximum period of fourteen days. The period of vacation during which study allowance is drawn shall be taken into account in calculating the maximum period of two years for which study allowance is admissible.
Note.- A period during which a Government servant interrupts his course of study for his own convenience cannot be considered as vacation.
6. The certificates of attendance required to be submittedin support of the claims for study allowance may be produced at the end of the term of a Government servant who is undergoing study in an educational institution or at intervals not exceeding three months if he is undergoing study at any other institution.
7. Study allowance may be paid at the end of every monthprovisionally subject to an undertaking in writing being obtained from the Government servant that he would refund to Government any over-payment consequent on his failure to produce the required certificate of attendance or otherwise. The authority sanctioning the study leave shall send to the Audit Officer a certificate to the effect that the Government servant has executed the requisite bond.
1[8-A. Government servants deputed to U.S.A. for studies or training under these rules who, after completing their studies or training, are required to halt at London on their return journey awaiting their onward passages to India, may be paid a halting allowance at 16 Sh. per day of such enforced halt at London]. 2[The payment of the allowance will be regulated on the certificate granted by the High Commission of India, London, as to the period of enforced halt of the Government servant concerned at London.]
3[8-B. Government servants deputed to the United Kingdom for studies or training under these rules who after completing their studies, have to remain in the U.K, awaiting their passages to India for any period beyond the 14 days of vacation falling at the end of the course of study, may be paid in addition to leave salary admissible if any, a halting allowance at 16 Sh. per day of such enforced halt.
The payment of the allowance will, however, be made on the certificate granted by the High Commission of India to the effect that it was not possible to arrange for the passage earlier and the halt beyond 14 days was unavoidable although efforts were made to secure passage well in time.]
1. Inserted by No. FD 156 SRS 60 dated 26-10-1960 (wef 3-11-1960)
2. Inserted by No. FD 191 SRS 60 dated 1-4-1961 (wef 6-4-1961)
3. Inserted by No. FD 88 SRS 62 dated 7-2-1963 (wef 21-2-1963)
9. Allowance to study leave candidates, Fellowship holdersand Deputationists will be determined by Government from time to time and will be liable to revision. The rates to be granted to Government servants who take study leave in countries other than
U.S.A. and U.K. will be specifically considered by Government ineach case. In U.S.A. and U.K. allowances will be paid at the following rates:-
I. Study Leave
(a) Permanent Government servants sent on study leave.
1. Study allowance-
In U.S.A. In U.K.
30 Sh. or $ 4.20 per day 16 Sh. per day
2. Essential apparatus books and travelling allowance-
$ 200 per academic year £ 40 per academic year
Note 1.- The cost of typing thesis if any, certified by the concerned professors, may be allowed under this item, subject to the condition that the total provision of $ 200 or £ 40 per academicyear is not exceeded.
Note 2.- The cost of purchase of books will be allowed, if certified by the concerned professors. These books should be returned to the Library of the Department in which the Government servant is serving, after his return from abroad.
Note 3.- Health insurance fees may be paid out of the aboveamount subject to the condition that the total provision of $ 200 or £ 40 per academic year is not exceeded.
3. Passage.-
2nd/Tourist Class sea pass-2nd/Tourist Class sea passage age both ways whichever is both ways whichever is available. Coach Class from available. II Class from Port of the Port of disembarkation to disembarkation to the place of the place of study and back. study and back.
4. Fees.-
The Embassy to pay Tuition The High Commission to pay and Examination Fee direct Tuition and Examination fees to the University ordirect to the University or Institution. Institution.
Note.- Compulsory Fee.- The term tuition and examination fees includes fees and charges levied by Foreign Universities/ Institutions/Organisations without which the scholars may be liable for removal from the rolls, (e.g., Activity infirmary and Student Union Fees).
Fines or the other penal charges levied for misconduct, etc., will not be borne by Government.
1[6. Equipment advance.-
2[Rs.1000] recoverable as 2[Rs.1000] recoverable as follows: follows:
Rs.1000 recoverable as Rs.1000 recoverable as follows: follows:
1. If the duration of the stay1. If the duration of the stay of of the Government servant the Government servant abroad is more than six abroad is six months or less, months, in ten monthly in ten monthly instalments; instalments
2. If the duration of the stayIf the duration of the stay of of the Government servant the Government servant abroad is more than six abroad is more than six months, in twenty-five monthly months in twenty-five monthly instalments. instalments 7. Maintenance allowance-
Nil Nil
Leave salary and study allowance will be paid in lieu of maintenance allowance. If the sum total of both falls short of maintenance allowance admissible to non-study leave scholars. (i.e., $ 125 In U.S.A. and £ 33 1/3 in Oxford and Cambridge and £ 30 in other places in U.K.) the difference will be paid by the Government as additional allowance.
8. Travelling allowance from headquarters to the port of embarkation and on return from the port of arrival to the place of posting 3[as for journeys on tour.]
1. Substituted by No. FD 124 SRS 70 dated 31-5-1971.
2. Substituted by No. FD 7 SRS 76 dated 5-7-1976 (wef 20-7-1976).
3. Substituted by No. FD 30 SRS 64 dated 20-8-1964.
(b) In the case of temporary Government servants whomay be sent abroad on study leave, allowance to be paid will be decided in each case according to its merits.
II. Fellowship
1. Maintenance allowance-£ 33 1/3 in Oxford and $ 125 per mensem Cambridge and £ 30 in other places
2. Essential apparatus books and training allowance- $ 200 per annum £ 40 per annum
3. Passage- II or Tourist Class sea passage II or Tourist Class sea passage both ways whichever is both ways whichever is avail-available. Coach Class from able. II Class from the Port of Port of disembarkation to the disembarkation to the place of place of study and back. study and back.
4. Fees- Embassy to pay tuition & High Commissioner to pay Examination fees direct to tuition fees and examination the University or Institute. fees direct to the University Institute.
Note:- Compulsory fees.- The term tuition and examination fees, includes fees and charges levied by Foreign Universities/ Institutions/Organisations without which the scholars may be liable for removal from the rolls, (e.g., Activity infirmary and student Union fees).
Fines or other penal charges levied for misconduct, etc., will not be borne by Government.
1[6. Equipment advance—
2[Rs.1000] recoverable 2[Rs. 1000] recoverable as follows:-as follows :
1. Substituted by No. FD 124 SRS 70 dated 31-5-1971.
2. Substituted by No. FD 7 SRS 76 dated 5-7-1976 (wef 20-7-1976).
7. Travelling allowance from the headquarters to the port of embarkation and on return from the port of arrival to the place of posting 1[as for journeys on tour]. .
8. In addition to the above such travelling allowance in thecountry or countries for training observation or study as is sanctioned in each case.

1. If the duration of the stay
If the duration of the stay
of the Government servant
of the Government servant
abroad is six months or less,
abroad is six months or less,
in ten monthly instalments;
in ten monthly instalments;
2. If the duration of the stay
If the duration of the stay
of the Government servant
of the Government servant
abroad is more than six
abroad is more than six month,
months, in twenty-five
in twenty-five monthly
monthly instalments
III. Deputationists
1 .Maintenance or daily allowance-In U.S.A-In U.K.
(i) .8 dollars per day in the case of£ 11/2 per day officers drawing a pay below 2[Rs. 4150] per mensem
.(ii) 10 dollars per day in the case of£ 2 per day officers drawing a pay of 2[Rs. 4150] and above per mensem.
2. Tuition and Training Fees.-
3[(a) Equipment advance of Rs. 500 recoverable as follows :
1. If the duration of the stay of the Government servantabroad is six months or less, in ten monthly instalments.
2. If the duration of the stay of the Government servantabroad is more than six months, in twenty-five monthly instalments.
1. Substituted by No. FD 30 SRS 64 dated 20-8-1964.
2. Amended by No. FD 4 SRA 99 dated 2-6-2000 (wef 1-1-1999)
3. Substituted by No. FD 124 SRS 70 dated 31-5-1971
(b) Pocket expenses of £ 5 or its equivalent in dollars:-
(c) Travelling allowance from the headquarters to the port of embarkation and on return from the port of arrival to the place of posting 1[as for journeys on tour.] .
(ii) To and fro passage, I Class sea or air passage whichever is cheaper in the case of officers drawing a pay of 2[Rs.4150] and above per month and, II class sea or air passage whichever is cheaper in the case of officer drawing a pay below 2[Rs. 4150] per month. If the officer of both classes undertake a costlier journey the difference will be treated as loan recoverable on their return from abroad.
(d) Pay.-They are eligible to draw if they were on duty.
Note 1.-Only Officers of I class, viz., Major Heads of Departments, Secretaries to Government, Deputy Commissioners and officers of other Departments of a corresponding status and scales of pay have to be treated as on deputation when such officers are sent abroad for observation for short periods and they are allowed the allowances mentioned for deputationists.
Note 2.- Government servants, who are granted Damodar Das Scholarships/Study Leave concession/Fellowship/ deputation terms, may, if they so desire, travel by air to the foreign country and back. But in case they are not entitled under the foregoing rules to travel by air, the difference in cost between the air fare and the fare to which they are eligible, will have to be paid by the Government servants themselves or, if they so prefer, it will be treated as a loan, which will have to be repaid by them on their return, out of their salary in 3[thirty-six] monthly instalments. Interest at five per cent per annum will be charged on the amount treated as loan.
3. In the case of Government servants, who are grantedstudy leave concessions or Damodar Das Scholarship.-
(a) Family maintenance allowance is payable for the fullperiod of absence from India including the period spent on
1. Substituted by No. FD 30 SRS 64 dated 20-8-1964.
2. Substituted by No. FD 4 SRS 99 dated 2-6-2000 (wef 1-1-1999).
3. Substituted by No. FD 112 SRS 62 dated 19-12-1962 (wef 27-12-1962).
journey from India to the foreign country and back. For purpose of payment, the term ‘family’ should be interpreted in accordance with rule 8 (16) of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules.
The Scholar will nominate, before leaving the State, a member of his family for receiving family maintenance allowance and in addition to giving intimation thereof will forward the specimen signature of the person so nominated to the Accountant General, in case he is a Gazetted Officer or to the Head of that office at which he was last working, in case he is a Non-Gazetted Officer.
(b) Study allowance will be paid only from the date of landingin the country of study and up to the date of departure from that country. It will not be admissible during the periods spent on journey from India to the foreign country and back.
4. The leave salary and other allowances admissible to theGovernment servant till the day preceding the date of his landing in the foreign country will be paid in rupees, whereas the leave salary, etc., from the date of landing will be payable in sterling or Dollars or the appropriate foreign currency. If, however, a Government servant desires that the entire leave salary may be arranged to be paid in India alone, such requests may be accepted. The leave salary for the period till the day preceding the date of landing in the foreign country may also be arranged to be paid in the foreign country if the period is short and the amount is not large. Cases of doubt may be referred to Government for orders.
Request for part payment of salary in India may also be complied with.
10. Government reserve the right of stopping the daily orother allowances, if the diaries indicate that the time of the Government servant has not been properly employed.
11.(a) A Government servant who is granted study leave to prosecute a course of studies or for receiving specialised training in professional or technical subjects, may be permitted to receive and retain, in addition to his leave salary, any scholarship or stipend that may be awarded to him from a Government or non Government source.
(b) Where a Government servant on study leave is in receiptof scholarship or stipend (from whatever source granted), the cost of the fees payable for the course of study may not be paid by Government under Rule 9 above.
(c) A Government servant on study leave who is in receiptof a scholarship or stipend (from whatever source granted), but in special cases where the net amount of the scholarship or stipend (i.e. the value of the scholarship or stipend minus any tution feespaid is less than the study allowance that would be admissible but for the scholarship or stipend, the difference between the value of the net scholarship or stipend and the usual study allowance may be granted by special sanction.
Note.- Any scholarship or stipend received during study leave or otherwise, by a Government servant from a source other than the Consolidated Fund of the State for the purpose of prosecuting a course or study or receiving specialised training in professional or technical subjects will not be subject to a cut under the provision of Rule 29(a) of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, i.e., the scholar will not be required to credit any portion of it to Government. However, Rule 29(a) will continue to apply, unless specifically relaxed, to the payment received by such Government servant as a result of full time or part time employment undertaken by them.
Benefits in cases coming under Rule 1(b) of Appendix II
1[1. (i) If the period of absence of a Government servant from his post in lndia does not exceed eighteen months, such period shall be treated as deputation on full pay which he would have drawn had he remained on duly in India and it shall count as duty for all purposes.
(ii) If the period of absence exceeds eighteen months butdoes not exceed twenty-four months, such period exceeding eighteen months shall be covered by grant of special leave on half average pay, subject to the conditions mentioned in rule 2 of Annexure ‘A’ and such period shall be treated as service counting for promotion, pension and increment but not for leave:
Provided that he shall be permitted to avail himself of earned leave to the extent due and admissible in lieu of special leave.
1. Substituted by No. FD 57 SRS 66 dated 22-8-1967 (wef 1-4-1967).
(iii) If the period of absence is permitted to exceed twentyfour months such period exceeding twenty-four months shall be covered by grant of leave with pay due and admissible and if no such leave is due or admissible, by grant of leave without allowance to the extent necessary.
2. No Dearness Allowance and compensatory-cum-houserent allowance shall be admissible except for the first six months of absence at the rates at which the Government servant would have drawn, had he remained on duty in India:
Provided that during the exceeding six months, dearness allowance at such rate as is appropriate to the basic pay shall be admissible for a Government servant who has not elected revised scales of pay sanctioned in the Karnataka Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1961).
(The benefit derivable under rules 1 and 2 of Annexure ‘B’ is also applicable to Government servants deputed for study or training outside India under Rule (1) (b) of Appendix II or after 1st April, 1966).
1[Note.- Dearness Allowance will also be admissible in cases of deputation extending beyond a period of six months, provided the deputation is more than one country and the period of the Government servant’s stay on deputation in any one country does not exceed six months.]
3. The Government servant concerned will be permitted toavail of such concessions as are contemplated under the terms of the awards. In addition, Government will extend the following concessions :-
(i) travelling allowance to the port of embarkation in Indiaand back 2[as for journeys on tour] if this is not covered under the terms of the award.
3[(i-a) travelling allowance from the headquarters to Delhi and back limited to single railway fare (without incidental charges) and Daily Allowance at the admissible rates for the days of halt at Delhi in connection with the interview of the
1. Inserted by No. FD 68 SRS 69 dated 14-8-1969 (wef 22-11-1968)
2. Substituted by No. FD 30 SRS 64 dated 20-8-1964.
3. Inserted by No. FD 99 SRS 61 dated 29-8-1961 (wef 29-8-1961).
Government servant concerned before the Central Selection Committee, New Delhi.
1[Note.- In respect of T.A., claims under this sub-rule, the Government servant concerned shall furnish either of the two certificates prescribed below, as the case may be :
“Certified that I have not drawn T.A./D.A., for this journey and halt from any non Government source.”
“Certified that T.A./D.A. admissible from non-Government sources in respect of this journey and halt has been drawn and deducted from the amount claimed in this bill.”
(ii) such other local costs, i.e., for obtaining passports,medical certificates, etc., as are necessary in each case, and
2[Note.- The term ‘local costs’ including single railway fare or bus fare and ordinary mileage (without incidental charges) and daily allowance for the days of halt, if any, at the place the Government servant is required to present himself in connection with obtaining passport/medical certificate or for Orientation training. 3[Where air journey is performed in view of urgency, single air fare (without incidentals) may be allowed only for the forward journey, which shall be included in the ‘local costs’.]
The actual periods of halt, including the period of compulsory stay, if any, that was absolutely necessary shall be certified by the authority issuing the passport or the Examining Medical Officer or other competent authority.]
4[(iii) Rs.3000/- shall be paid as equipment grant to an officer deputed by the State Government for training abroad, the duration of which is more than three months.
(iv) Airport tax shall be reimbursed to the officer deputed by the State Government for training abroad, if it is paid at the port of embarkation/disembarkation in the course of his duty.]
1. Inserted by No. FD 99 SRS 61 dated 9-1-1962 (wef 9-1-1962).
2. Inserted by No. FD 18 SRS 64 dated 17-2-1965.
3. Inserted by No. FD 71 SRS 70 dated 3-11-1970 (wef 19-11-1970).
4. Substituted by No. FD 1 SRA 97 dated 23-4-98 (wef 15-10-1998)

This bond is executed in favour of the Governor of Karnataka (hereinafter called the “Government”) by ......................................................................son of ................... ..............................aged about .................. years, now residing at ........................................................ (hereinafter called the “SCHOLAR” which term shall include his heirs and legal representatives);
And Shri.........................son of............... agedabout.....................................years, residing at....................agedabout....................................................years, residing at........andShri................son of..................aged about................years, residingat....................(hereinafter called “SURETIES” which term shall include their heirs and legal respresentatives).Whereas at his request the Scholar has been granted a scholarship/Fellowship/Grant/Study leave concession of .......... under the rules forming Appendix II to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, Volume I, regarding the facilities available for study or training outside India which they read and understood.
The Scholar and the Sureties covenant as follows:-
1. The Scholar shall be bound by all the Rules of theaforesaid Appendix II of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and any modification thereof made by the Government from time to time.
2. The Scholar shall prosecute his studies or trainingdiligently.
3. The Scholar shall join such Institution or Company orFactory or Establishment and take up such course or courses as the Government may require him so to do or may approve.
1[3-A. The Scholar shall not, without the previous approval of the Government, take up the question of extension/variation of his training with the authorities responsible for his training abroad either on his arrival in the country of training or during his stay in that country.]
4. After completion of the course or training the Scholar shall not take up another course of study or training or
1. Inserted by No. FD 12 SRS 61 dated 1-4-1961 (wef 6-4-1961). take up any employment, trade or profession, or occupation without the express permission of the Government.
5. On completion of such course of study, or training the Scholar shall return to Karnataka State within reasonable time not exceeding three months from the date of completion of his course or training unless otherwise expressly permitted.
1[6. In the event of the Scholar contracting an infectious disease requiring prolonged hospitalisation, he shall not forbid the medical advisers/attendants from communicating the nature and condition of disease to Indian Missions concerned or Government.]
1[7. It shall be open to the Government to re-call the Scholarat any time, whether or not the course for which he is sent has been completed, if he fails in his examination, or the reports regarding his progress are unsatisfactory or he has taken to undesirable ways of life. In the case of such re-call the Scholar shall be liable to pay to the Government all sums spent on him.
8. At least one month before the date of his return toKarnataka State and within 2[7] days after such return, the Scholar shall intimate about his return to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Karnataka and also to............................. ...................................................[here the Head of the Department in which the Scholar was serving before going for the course of study or training may be indicated] who shall arrange to issue necessary posting order. The Scholar undertakes to serve the Government in such post, in such capacity and on such remuneration as the Government may, in its absolute discretion require him to do so, for a period of atleast 3[four years] from the date of joining appointment after return. If required by the Government, the Scholar shall apply to the Public Service Commission or any other authority for such posts as the Government may direct. .
4[9. In the event of breach of any of the aforesaid terms by the Scholar, the Scholar and the Sureties do undertake jointly and severally to refund to Government all amounts paid to the
1. Inserted by No. FD 9 SRS 61 dated 16-2-1961 (wef 23-2-1961).
2. Substituted by No. FD 4 SRS 63 dated 20-3-1963 (wef 11-4-1963).
3. Substituted by No. FD 125 SRS 67 dated 21-10-1967 (wef 2-11-1967)
4. Substituted by No. FD 29 SRS 62 dated 31-7-1962 (wef 9-8-1962)
Scholar or expended on his account as scholarship equipment allowance passage money, family allowance, salary and other allowance during the period of such study or training, leave salary, cost of fees, travelling and other expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the Foreign Government Agency, and all other kinds of payments made to him from the time he leaves the State of Karnataka for such study of training upto the period he returns to the State together with interest at six percent per annum on such sums from the respective dates of payment.
1[9-A. In the event of the scholar resigning or retiring from service without returning to do duty after a period of study leave or within a period of 2[four years] after such return to duty, the scholar and the sureties do undertake jointly or severally to refund 3[the actual amount] of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling allowance and other expenses, if any, incurred by the Government or drawn by the scholar for the period of study leave, together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans, before the resignation of the scholar is accepted or permission to retire is granted.]
10. It shall not be necessary for the Government to proceedagainst the Scholar first by filing suit or initiating recovery proceedings before proceeding against the Sureties or either of them.
11. The Government shall be at liberty to recover all sums due from the Scholar and/or the Sureties, as arrears of Land Revenue.
12. Any extension of time granted to the Scholar orrelaxation from any of the aforesaid terms or the rules of the aforesaid Foreign Scholarship Rules shall not release the Sureties from their obligation under this Bond or affect their liability in any manner.
13. The Sureties hereby mortgage in favour of theGovernment, the properties detailed hereunder by way of security for their liability under this Bond. The Sureties shall
1. Inserted by No. FD 71 SRS 66 dated 18-9-1967.
2. Substituted by No. FD 125 SRS 67 dated 21-10-1967 (wef 2-11-1967)
3. Substituted by No. FD 31 SRS 72 dated 13-8-1976 (wef 26-8-1976) also be personally liable for their obligations under this Bond should the mortgaged properties be insufficient to satisfy the dues of Government.
The Scholar hereby mortgages in favour of the Government, the properties detailed hereunder by way of security for his liability under this Bond.]

(Properties mortgaged by the First Surety) (Shri ..............................................................
(Properties mortgaged by the Second Surety) (Shri ...............................................................) In witness whereof the Scholar and Sureties have signed
this Deed in the presence of the following witnesses :
Witnesses Scholar
1. ................ Surety
2. ................ Surety
(Properties mortgaged by the Scholar) 2[Annexure CC xxx]
1. Inserted by No. FD 9 SRS 65 dated 27-4-1965 (wef 13-5-1965).
2. Deleted by No. FD 90 SRS 67 dated 19-2-1968 (wef 7-3-68).

This bond is executed in favour of the Governor of Karnataka (hereinafter called the “Government”) by.........son of .................................... aged about..................... years, now residing at...............................................................(hereinafter called the “Scholar” which term shall include his heirs and legal representatives) :
And the ...........................................................Bank Ltd., ..........................................................(hereinafter called ‘Surety’ which term shall include its liquidators and legal representatives):
Whereas at his request, the Scholar has been granted a Scholarship/Fellowship/Grant/Study Leave/Concession of.......... .........................................................................under the Rules forming Appendix II to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, Volume I, regarding the facilities available for study or training outside India which they have read and understood:
And whereas at the request of the Scholar and the Surety the Government has agreed to accept the guarantee given by the surety instead of Security of Immovable property;
The Scholar and the Surety covenant as follows:-
1. The Scholar shall be bound by all the Rules or theaforesaid Rules forming Appendix II to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and any modification thereof made by the Government from time to time.
2. The Scholar shall prosecute his studies or trainingdiligently.
3. The Scholar shall join such Institutions or Company orFactory or Establishment and take up such course or courses as the Government may require him so to do or may approve.
1[3-A. The Scholar shall not without the previous approval of the Government, take up the question of extension/variation of his training with the authorities responsible for his training abroad either on his arrival in the country of training or during his stay in that country.]
1. Inserted by No. FD 12 SRS 61 dated 1-4-1961 (wef 6.4.1961)
4. After completion of 1[the] course or training the Scholar shall not take up another course of study or training to take up any employment, trade or profession, or occupation without the express permission of the Government.
5. On completion of such course of study, or training the Scholar shall return to Karnataka State within reasonable time not exceeding three months from the date of completion of his course, or training unless otherwise expressly permitted.
6. It shall be open to the Government to re-call the Scholarat any time, whether or not the course for which he is sent has been completed, if he fails in his examination, or the reports regarding his progress are unsatisfactory or he has taken to undesirable ways of life. In the case of such re-call, the Scholar shall be liable to pay to the Government all sums spent on him.
7. At least one month before the date of his return toKarnataka State and within 2[7] days after such return the Scholar shall intimate about his return to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Karnataka and also to .........................................................(here the Head of the Department in which the Scholar was serving before going for the course of study or training may be indicated) who shall arrange to issue necessary posting order. The Scholar undertakes to serve the Government in such post, in such capacity and on such remuneration as the Government may, in its absolute discretion require him to do so for a period of at least 3[four years] from the date of joining appointment after return. If required by the Government the Scholar shall apply to the Public Service Commission or any other authority for such posts as the Government may direct.
4[8. In the event of breach of any of the aforesaid terms by the Scholar, the Scholar and the Surety to undertake jointly and severally to refund to Government all amounts paid to the Scholar or expended on his account as scholarship, equipment allowance, passage money, family allowance, salary and other allowances during the period of such study or training, leave salary, cost of fees, travelling and other expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the
1. Inserted by No. FD 12 SRS 61 dated 1-4-1961 (wef 6-4-1961).
2. Substituted by No. FD 4 SRS 63 dated 20-3-1963 (wef 11-4-1963).
3. Substituted by No. FD 125 SRS 67 dated 21-10-1967 (wef 2-11-1967).
4. Substituted by No. FD 29 SRS 62 dated 31-7-1962 (wef 9-8-1962).
Foreign Government Agency, and all other kinds of payment made to him from the time he leaves the State of Karnataka for such study or training upto the period he returns to the State together with interest at six percent per annum on such sums from the respective dates of payment.]
1[8-A. In the event of the scholar resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty after a period of study leave or within a period of 2[four years] after such return to duty the scholar and the sureties do undertake jointly or severally to refund 2[the actual amount] of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling allowance and other expenses, if any incurred by the Government or drawn by the Scholar for the period of study leave, together with the interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans, before the resignation of the scholar is accepted or permission to retire is granted.]
9. It shall not be necessary for the Government to proceedagainst the Scholar first by filing suit or initiating recovery proceedings before proceeding against the Surety or either of them.
10. The Government shall be at liberty to recover all sumsdue from the Scholar and/or the Surety as arrears of Land Revenue.
11. Any extension of time granted to the Scholar or relaxation from any of the aforesaid terms or the rules of the aforesaid Foreign Scholarship Rules shall not release the Surety from its obligation under this Bond or affect its liability in any manner.
12. 3[xxx]
A witness of the Scholar on his behalf and................... .................................... of the Bank, on its behalf have set their hands to this on .........................
Witnesses Scholar 1...................... On behalf of the ........... Bank ............ 2...................... Surety
1. Inserted by No. FD 71 SRS 66 dated 18-9-1967.
2. Substituted by No. FD 31 SRS 72 dated 13-8-1976 (wef 26-8-1976).
3. Deleted by No. FD 142 SRS 61 dated 24-1-1962 (wef 20-9-1961).
2[When the security is furnished in Karnataka Government Savings Bank Pass-book and/or National Savings Certificates and /or National Defence Certificates.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, .......................................................son of................aged about ................years, now residing at..................... [hereinafter called the ‘Scholar’ which term shall include his heirs and legal representatives) am bound to the Governor of Karnataka (hereinafter called the Government);
WHEREAS I the said...........................has been granted a Scholarship/Fellowship/Grant/Study Leave/Concession of ...................................under the rules forming Appendix II to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, Volume I, regarding the facilities available for study or training outside India which I have read and understood.
AND WHEREAS at my request the Government has agreed to accept the security of money deposited by me in the Karnataka Government Savings Bank under Pass Book No .....................of.................Treasury 1[and/or the National Savings Certificates and/or the National Defence Certificate Nos.....................................................................of the value of Rs...................................] instead of security of immovable property;
Now, THEREFORE, the condition of this bond are as follows:
1. The Scholar shall be bound by all the rules in the aforesaidRules forming Appendix II to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and any modification thereof made by the Government from time to time.
2. The Scholar shall prosecute his studies or trainingdiligently.
3. The Scholar shall join such institution or Company orFactory or Establishment and take up such course as the Government may require him so to do or may approve.
1. Inserted by No. FD 49 SRS 62 dated 8-2-1963 (wef 14-3-1963).
2. Substituted by No. FD 25 SRS 66 dated 27-8-1966 (wef 8-9-1966).
4. The Scholar shall not without the previous approval ofthe Government, take up the question of extension/variation of his training with the Authorities responsible for his training abroad either on his arrival in the country of training or during his stay in that country.
5. After completion of the course or training, the Scholarshall not take up another course of study or training or take up any employment, trade or profession or occupation without the express permission of the Government.
6. In the event of the Scholar contracting an infectiousdisease requiring prolonged hospitalisation, he shall not forbid the medical advisers/attendants from communicating the nature and condition of disease to Indian Mission concerned or Government.
7. On completion of the course of study or training, theScholar shall return to Karnataka State within reasonable time not exceeding three months from the date of completion of his course, or training unless otherwise expressly permitted.
8. It shall be open to the Government to recall the Scholarat any time, whether or not the course for which he is sent has been completed, if he fails in his examination or the reports regarding his progress are unsatisfactory or he has taken to undesirable ways of life. In the case of such re-call, the Scholar shall be liable to pay to the Government all sums spent on him.
9. At least one month before the date of his return toKarnataka State and within 7 days of such return the Scholar shall intimate about his return to the Chief Secretary to the Government of Karnataka and also to (here the Head of the Department in which the Scholar was serving before going for the course of study or training may be indicated) who shall arrange to issue necessary posting order. The Scholar undertakes to serve the Government in such post, in such capacity and on such remuneration as the Government may, in his absolute discretion require him to do so, for a period of atleast 2[four years] from the date of joining appointment after return. If required by the Government, the Scholar shall apply to the Public Service Commission or any other authority for such posts as the Government may direct.
1. Substituted by No. FD 25 SRS 66 dated 27-8-1966 (wef 8-9-1966)
2. Substituted by No. FD 125 SRS 67 dated 21-10-1967 (wef 2-11-1967).
10. In the event of breach of any of the aforesaid terms bythe Scholar, the Scholar shall be bound to refund to the Government all amounts, received by the Scholar or expended on his account as Scholarship, equipment allowance, passage money, family allowance, salary and other allowances paid to him during the period of such study of training, leave salary, cost of fees, travelling and other expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the Foreign Government Agency, and all other kinds of payments made to him from the time he leaves the State of Karnataka such study or training upto the period he returns to the State together with interest at six percent per annum on such sums from the respective dates of payment.
1[10-A. In the event of the scholar resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty after a period of study leave or within a period of four years after such return to duty, the scholar and the sureties do undertake jointly or severally to refund 2[the actual amount] of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling allowance and other expenses, if any incurred by the Government or drawn by the Scholar for the period of study leave, together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans, before the resignation of the scholar is accepted or permission to retire is granted.]
3[11. By way of security for the due performance of the terms of this bond, the Scholar has deposited a sum of the Government Savings Bank Account No..... at .....................................Treasury and has herewith pledged and delivered 4[the pass book therefor and/or has hereby pledged and delivered] the National Savings Certificates/and/or/the National Defence Certificates Nos........ of value of Rs........................ duly endorsed in the name of the Governor of Karnataka and it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that the said certificates shall be accepted at their
1. Inserted by No. FD 71 SRS 66 dated 18-9-1967.
2. Substituted by No. FD 31 SRS 76 dated 13-8-1976 (wef 20-8-1976).
3. Inserted by No. FD 25 SRS 66 dated 27-8-1966 (wef 8-9-1966).
4. Inserted by No. FD 25 SRS 66 dated 22-12-1966.
In the event of breach of the terms of this bond, Government shall be entitled, without prejudice to the other remedies open to it, to recover the amounts under this bond from the aforesaid Savings Bank Deposit / and / or Certificates.
Note.-The amount to be deposited/and/or the value of the securities to be pledged and delivered shall be an amount equivalent to twelve times the average cost of the post held by the Government servant at the time of his deputation abroad or five thousand rupees whichever is less.
12. Government shall also be entitled to recover moneysdue under this bond as arrears of land revenue.
In witness whereof the parties have set their hands to this deed.
Scholar On behalf of and under the directions of the Government of Karnataka, (Person authorised should sign.)
Witnesses:-1 ............................
2 ............................

Annual/Final Report
I. Note to Scholars:
Please state the degree, if any, for which you are studying. The likely date of taking the degree should in all cases be mentioned. If you are not studying for a degree, please mention the likely date when you hope to complete the course of study you are pursuing. Where you have already taken a degree, please give the date of taking it, and state what you have been doing since taking degree and when you hope to complete the course or training you are undergoing at present. The report should be submitted in triplicate.
II. This report must be submitted through your professor orSupervising authority in charge.
Name in Block Capitals .......................File No............................Name of the Scholarship Scheme...............................................1. Inserted by No. FD 24 SRS 65 dated 13-9-1965.
Sponsoring Authority...................................................................
1. Date of arrival in the Country of study....................................
2. Subject for which selected.....................................................
3. *Course of study or training undertaken.................................
4. Degree sought/obtained.........................................................
5. Approximate date of degree award........................................
6. Institution in which pursuing study/training.............................
7. *Course of study or training attended during period under review...................................................................................
8. *All examinations (Including subjects) taken with dates, and results (in the final examination the degree or diploma obtained should be stated with subjects taken, and honours, if any. The grades obtained in the final examination must be stated.) Grades should be explained .................................
9. Any prizes or other Distinctions..............................................
10. For Scholar Taking practical Training.
Name of Date of Stay to Nature of Concern joining last until training
*(If space provided is not sufficient, please attach additional sheet)
11. This report covers period beginning from............................................ and lasting upto.............................
Place Date Scholar’s Signature
12. University or Institution Supervisor’s Report on the work of the student during the period under review.
13. To be filled in by the University or Institution Supervisor in the case of Final Report only.-
(a) Was academic and intellectual background of the Scholar found satisfactory.
(b) Any outstanding results achieved by him.
(c) Evaluation of Scholar’s abilities and achievement.
(d) In which field or branch, in your opinion, the scholar ismost suited to work, viz., Laboratory, field work, industry, organisation.
(e) Your personal opinion regarding usefulness and value of scholarship whether or not scholar has fulfilled your expectations. Date.............................. Signature of Supervisor/Professor.
14. Observations of the Education Department, Embassyof India.
Date Signature of forwarding office

1 comment:

  1. i want help regarding study leave process
