"Will introduce transparency in recruitment system to reduce corruption
Will stress on e-governance at all levels and information dissemination Will recommend the government to include topics on anticorruption in school curricular. This can inspire young minds.
First of all, Mr Kumar should understand that the Urban Development Minisry headed by him is one of the most corrupt Department in the Karnataka government secretariat. If Suresh Kumar wants to join the Anti-corruption drive,he should clean up his own department before recommending to the government to add topics about anti corruption in school curriculam. Probably it is beyond his ability to clean this department. Nobody can get into this department without the recommendations from ministers/CM or giving heavy bribe. It is difficult to transfer them out of the department once they establish themselves in the department. If the Minister try to transfer them,they will get a 'stay order' from KAT (Karnataka Administrative Tribunal) and continue in the same post. That is the state of affair going on in Karnataka. It is difficult to move people from a depatment once they establish themselves in some profitable post. This is happening particularly in Finance , Revenue,Health, Urban Development,Education Department. Even Pricipal Secretaries(heads of Department) have bit dust trying to transfer staff from one department to another.
Mr Suresh Kumar.........can you do it?